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Why Use Usb Temperature Logger For Fresh Milk Cold Chain?

Fresh milk is very sensitive to temperature, and storage and transportation must be strictly monitored and recorded for ambient temperature and changes. A USB temperature logger is often used to monitor and record the temperature of fresh milk transportation and storage. Fresh milk is a perishable and high-risk product, so it needs special attention during transportation and storage.


Why Use Usb Temperature Logger For Fresh Milk Cold Chain


Fresh milk needs to be stored and transported at low temperatures, generally within the temperature range of 0-4°C. Therefore, in the process of transportation and storage, it is necessary to use special cold chain equipment, such as refrigerated trucks, cold storage, etc., to control and monitor the temperature to ensure that the fresh milk is kept within a safe temperature range throughout the process, so as to ensure the fresh milk Quality safety and fresh taste.


Why Use Usb Temperature Logger For Fresh Milk Cold Chain


There are many types of fresh milk temperature loggers on the market, and the models are also complete, and the functions are gradually improving. The USB temperature logger developed and produced by Freshliance is a device that can accurately monitor and record the temperature of fresh milk transportation and storage. It does not need a data cable or a card reader and can be directly connected to a PC or an Android phone through a USB 2.0 interface. If you want to generate temperature data and changes throughout the trip, you don’t need to install any software, and you can directly generate a pdf report.


Why Use Usb Temperature Logger For Fresh Milk Cold Chain


The USB temperature logger produced by Freshliance is currently very popular in the market, and has a good reputation, zero failure, and produces models with different running times, 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 days available, available for fresh Milk is used for different transportation itineraries.