Cigars are a very common item in various celebrations, business meetings, and social gatherings. Many countries produce cigars, but cigars are easily affected by temperature and humidity, which affects their quality and taste. Therefore, cigars need to be stored in a suitable and constant environment, and professional temperature and humidity monitoring equipment is required. For example, the Wireless Temperature Humidity Data Logger developed by Freshliance has the characteristics of high accuracy, stability, and reliability, and can accurately monitor the temperature and humidity of the cigar storage environment. , very popular in the temperature and humidity monitoring industry for cigars, red wine, and other items.
The optimal storage temperature and humidity of cigars are very important. Too high or too low temperature and humidity will affect the taste and quality of cigars. The optimal storage temperature for cigars should be between 18 degrees Celsius and 21 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity should be between 65% and 70%. COEUS-WIFI Wireless Temperature Humidity Data Logger provided by FreshlianceCOEUS-WIFI is a configurable and rechargeable WIFI temperature and humidity data logger. It also has a large LCD screen. The ordinary COEUS-WIFI temperature monitoring range is -20 ℃ ~ +50 ℃, and the humidity is 0 ~ 100%. If the model has an external probe, the temperature monitoring range can reach -30 ℃ ~ +70 ℃, -90 ℃ ~ + 200 ℃, -200 ℃ ~ +90 ℃. , it can be used whether it is indoor storage, home, or ultra-low temperature environment. The device can set specific parameters according to needs through the software provided by our company. The display screen can view the current temperature and humidity, maximum/minimum temperature and humidity, date and time, and battery power in real-time. This cigar temperature and humidity data logger can set Temperature and humidity high and low alarm values. When the temperature and humidity of the cigar environment exceed these limits, the buzzer alarm will start and the red light will flash to sound the alarm. Users can appropriately adjust the environmental temperature and humidity according to their needs to ensure the quality and taste of the cigars.
The actual optimal storage conditions for cigars may vary based on different types of cigars and personal preferences. Consult a professional for specific information. However, temperature and humidity monitoring for cigar storage is essential. Freshliance provides a COEUS-WIFI Wireless Temperature Humidity Data Logger for Cigar, which not only provides accurate and reliable temperature and humidity data but also the equipment operates stably, making it very suitable for indoor storage of cigars, red wine, etc. It can also be used to monitor the temperature and humidity of the storage environment of items in places, and can also be used in laboratories, homes, etc. It is very cost-effective for monitoring and recording temperature and humidity.
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